Garage Italia Studio is the new agency of Garage Italia specialized in digital and new media. Not only agency, but a real artistic HUB, informative and confrontation in the digital world with the objective of building a community that revolves around themes such as design, art and NFT.
We propose innovative communication solutions that can satisfy the enormous need for uniqueness and self-expression in a world of constant technological evolution through the use of new social media, new technologies and new forms of expression. We address all those realities that look for a new digital identity or need to update it, acquiring structure, visibility and knowledge of new communication models to stand out with character and effectiveness.

We offer an innovative and tailor-made approach starting from the creative direction, through strategy and marketing, to the digital content creation that can give an extra edge to your project. Between our skills, you can find animation and 3D graphics, illustration, photos and videos, translating our vision from behind the screen directly into your hands.Here the video!New projects, new challenges and new stories soon on our channels!Contact us!#GarageItalia #OutOfTheBlue #GarageItaliaStudio