Always conceived as a workwear garnment strictly connected to the factories, after almost a century the worker’s suit is ready for a massive comeback as a must-have item for the winter, spotted on the catwalks across the world. From the ‘50s to today, the old workwear overalls have never left the bricks of the former Agip service station, today known as the temple of four-wheeled personalization (and not only). Garage Italia brings back this genderless garment that represents the perfect fusion between fashion and automotive. Colorful and cozy with its soft-touch and relaxed fit, it’s definitely the most iconic item in the L’Astronave collection. The Jumpsuit by Garage is clearly essential, with a single contrasting embroidery on the back, to give everyone the opportunity to let loose their creativity to make it unique and personal.
For this reason we decided to make our Jumpsuit the protagonist of a wider project to give the chance to rework this iconic garment according to the style and aesthetic references of those who will customize it.Today we start with Francesco and Piergiacomo Sigalini, two guys from Brescia who had the audacity to follow their creative instinct, giving birth to Pantamolle, a brand able to tell their personal point of view on formalwear. They will be the first ones to get their hands on our Jumpsuit for a special event. But we don’t want to tell you more yet.Let’s see what they’re made of.