No doubt about it. Yellow is still one of the main colors of the summer.Some consider it not very elegant and those who are too difficult to wear. In reality, yellow turns out to be a friend, a big boost for your day, capable of infuencing positively on your mood and on the people around you. It is a real certainty when you want to draw attention to yourself.
The yellow actually reveals itself in a real trump card for those who want to leave their mark. If in its fluo variant it launched a bold trend together with other highlighter shades, the most popular shades are the most classic ones, like this 500 Jolly Icon-e Vibrant Yellow.The chromotherapy experts trust in the beneficial effects of this color, we do not know if because of the yellow-sun combination, but it would be a color that can make you more optimistic and extroverted, increasing your propensity to good mood and light-heartedness. In short, all things that we really need at this particular moment, with the beginning of a summer that is perhaps atypical but certainly worth living to the fullest.